Gerimis Mengundang (2012) Sinopsis:
Directed by Ahmad Idham. With Kamal Adli, Felix Agus, Olivia Lubis Jensen, Denny Martin. This film begins when a handsome young pilot for Sabah Air, Kota Kinabalu, Zamani meets a beautiful and sweet young lady, Mikha, who happens to be the daughter of the representative of the Republic of Indonesian Embassy, Pak Harjo. This fateful meeting occurred due to a misunderstanding between the two when Pak Harjo, Mikha's father was lost unfortunately due to an accident that happened when he ...
Credited cast: Kamal Adli ... Zamani Felix Agus ... Amry Olivia Lubis Jensen ... Mikha Denny Martin ... Pak Harjo Henny Yuliani ... Ibu Maria
Description of Gerimis Mengundang (2012):
This film begins when a handsome young pilot for Sabah Air, Kota Kinabalu, Zamani meets a beautiful and sweet young lady, Mikha, who happens to be the daughter of the representative of the Republic of Indonesian Embassy, Pak Harjo. This fateful meeting occurred due to a misunderstanding between the two when Pak Harjo, Mikha's father was lost unfortunately due to an accident that happened when he was on the way to Tamparuli, Sabah. As time passed, the two developed strong feelings for each other. Will love be until the end? Written byofficial
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